This body of work in handmade paper was produced during my 2019 Artist Residency at Dieu Donné. It draws from themes in Seamus Heaney’s poem, Bogland to explore ideas about cultural inheritance. Heaney's poem centers on the bog's natural ability to preserve matter and ruminates on our ties to the past; for me, a natural place from which to consider the enduring capacity of ancient narratives. In my treatment of the Pandora narrative her mythical vessel is inseparable from her physical form. Pandora's "box" (originally a large terra-cotta vessel) is replaced by eight books pigmented in a range of skin tones, the pulp manipulated to evoke the folds and wrinkles of skin.
Pandora’s “box” is a mistranslation from the Greek word pithos, a terracotta vase-like container. In Little Liar, the mythical vessel is represented by a series of vases decorated with scenes from classical art. Each vase is topped with a priapic figure of Pinocchio, animating and making explicit the act of looking.